Top 5 Horror places in Delhi : Who’s mysteries are unresolve

Horror places in Delhi

Horror Places in Delhi भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली प्रसिद्ध है अपनी पुरानी खूबसूरत इमारतों के लिए | हर साल देश-विदेश  से लोग दिल्ली घूमने के लिए आते हैं पर कुछ पुरानी इमारतों और जगहों से एसी-एसी कहानियाँ जुड़ी हैं की अक्सर लोग इन जगहों पर जाने के लिए भी डरते हैं । आज हम एसी ही दिल्ली की भूतिया जगहों के बारे मै बात करेंगे |

  1. Feroz shah Kotla Fort

  2. Khooni Darwaja

  3. Delhi Cantonment

  4. Sanjay Van

  5. Lothian cemetery

1.Feroz Shah Kotla Fort

Horror places in Delhi

Feroj Shah Kotla Fort is built in 14th century by the Sultan Feroz Shah Tughlaq. It is located between the New Delhi and Old Delhi on the bank of Yamuna river. Currently this for is abandoned and government own this.

Local people believe that this place is haunted and some of them say they watch jin(a magical spirit who may appear in the form of a human) in the fort. People also say that they hear horrific voices from the fort. On every thursday many agarabattiyaan and candles are glowing in the fort. People say this fort is Jins fort and souls came here to impress the jins. 

Therefore people also calls this place as bhutiya Haveli and this place considered as one of most Horror places in Delhi.

2.Khooni Darwaja

horror places in delhi

Khooni Darwaj also known as “Laal darwaja” is located near the junction of Mathura Road and Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, near the entrance of the old walled city of Delhi. It is historical place of Mughal times. Many peoples are killed at this place in old times. This is the place where britishers do execution of the Mughal princes and various other violent incidents. Aurangzeb do execution of his brother, Dara Shikoh at this place and because of these historical incidents this place is named as Khooni darwaja.

According to the local peoples this place is haunted and they say that they hear voices from this place at night. People also say that in Monsoon season blood droplets drop from the roof of Khooni Darwaja.

3.Delhi Cantonment

Delhi Cantonment Road runs through the Delhi Cantonment, which is military area in southwestern part od Delhi. Delhi Cantonment Road is considered as 1 in most horror places in delhi. People say that there is a women in white Saree who many times seen by people passing through the road in midnight. According to the people this lady stand on the road and ask for lift and if someone stop their car this lady disappear. People says that who don’t stop their car for this lady then she follow their car by the speed of car. People who see this women are going through bad conditions.

Local people avoid travelling through this road at night. Times of India also write an article about this road

4.Sanjay Van

Sanjay Van is a reserved forest under the Indian Forest Act, 1927. The forest is densely wooded. This place is very beautiful in the day time and a very good place nature lovers. But the beauty of this forest only seen in sunlight and disappear in the night. This place is haunted according to the peoples.

Many people say that they watch a old lady in white dress and some people say that when they visit to this forest someone push them from back. People say that they got slapped in the forest and when they see who slap they find nobody near them. Once a person said that he experience fog in the forest in summer season and we all know about how extreme is delhi’s summer. This place is one of most horror places in delhi.

5.Lothian Cemetery

Lothian cemetery is located near the Kashmiri gate of delhi. It is built in 1808 but some muslim says that there is a Muslim cemetery there and britishers demolish old cemetery. There is story behind this place is that in british time Sir nicholas a british man fall in love with a Indian women who is married but Sir nicholas many times give proposal to that women but she refuses.

In this pain sir nicholas shot bullet in his head and his grave is burried in lothian cemetery. People believe that from that time Sir nicholas soul taking his head in his hand roam in Lothian cemetery and many people say they watch this. Therefore this is one of most horror places in delhi.




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These are Top 5 Horror places in Delhi

Top 5 Horror places in Delhi

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