Kalki Dham foundation stone
On Monaday 19 february 2024, Pm Narender modi inaugrated the Kalki dham in Sambhal, Uttar pradesh. Many BJP leaders and public gather in the inaugration. Kalki dham is said to be special across world wide. Kalki dham is created by Shri Kalki dham NIrman trust headed by Acharya Pramod Krishnam. Acharya ji is recently expelled from congress party for “anti-part remarks”.
Who is Kalki avatar ?
According to Hindu puranas, whenever evil activities are increases on earth Lord Vishnu take avatar to correct all things. Hindu scriptures described 24 avatars of lord Vishnu out of which 23 are already taken by Lord in History. Now it’s turn of 24th avatar which is called ‘Kalki Avatar’. It is one of the main avatar and according to Hindu puranas it will appear in the end of Kali yug.
When will Vishnu take this avatar ?
According to Hindu puranas Kali yug comes when Lord Krishna left the earth and it will be 4 lakh 32 thousands years long out of which 5126 years are already passed. According to shrimad Bhagavat Purana, Sun and Moon enter Pushya Nakshatra together, then Lord Kalki will be born on earth.
Why Kalki Dham is inaugrated in Sambhal, Uttar-Pradesh ?
According our hindu puranas lord Vishnu take birth in formof Kalki Avatar in Sambhal Uttar pradesh where this Kalki dham is created. This is first time when a temple is built before the lord take the avatar. According to ‘Agni Puran’ appearence of Kalki avatar is described as riding a white horse name as devadatta, who will destroy the sinners of kali yug and carrying a mighty sword to defeat evil. The Kalki avatar has miraculus powers to destroy the unrighteousness.
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